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Super Ace  (JILI): GAME Review & Theme

Some Aces are ordinary, but others possess unique abilities. Super Ace is an exhilarating online slot game crafted and released by Jili Games. This card-themed slot boasts distinctive visuals, featuring original card illustrations as symbols, brief yet entertaining animations, and an abstract background.

Super Ace on BC.GAME is a standout in the slot machine arena with its five reels and 1024 ways to win. It features the Jack, Queen, King, and Ace from a standard deck of cards, each belonging to a distinct value group. Moreover, there are golden variants of these cards available. When a golden card graces the middle three reels, it acts as a wild symbol until it vanishes, ready to substitute for any missing standard symbol. This versatile wild can transform into an expansive giant wild or a smaller version as well. Additionally, the game boasts an escalating win multiplier with each successive victory. If luck is on your side and you land three Scatter symbols, you'll enjoy ten Free Spins and a progressive win multiplier boost.

About Super Ace at BC.GAME

At BC.GAME, the Super Ace is a video slot game with 5 reels, 4 rows, and cascading mechanics, offering 1024 Ways to Win. The game is categorized as having moderate volatility, allowing players to enjoy it without undertaking significant risks. While it doesn't entirely eliminate risk, it does provide relatively frequent payouts.

Moreover, it offers a maximum exposure of 1,500 times the stake. Additionally, it boasts an impressive 97% RTP (Return to Player), meaning that the slot won't overly deplete your bankroll.

Crafted to work effortlessly on both iOS and Android devices, this slot provides an abundance of convenience for mobile gaming. This means you can effortlessly delve into the game while on the move, all from the comfort of your smartphone.
Pay Table and Bet Size

At BC.GAME, the Super Ace is a captivating video slot game that unfolds across 5 reels and 4 rows, enriched with cascading mechanics that offer an exciting 1024 Ways to Win. This game strikes a balance in the medium volatility category, allowing players to indulge in the thrill without shouldering substantial risks. With a tantalizing maximum exposure of 1,500 times the bet, you have the chance to hit substantial wins. The betting spectrum accommodates all players, starting as low as $0.05 and reaching a maximum of $100 per spin, catering to both casual gamers and high rollers alike.

Within the game, players encounter two Joker Cards, portrayed as Big and Little Joker Symbols, each assuming the role of a Wild Symbol, amplifying the potential for winning combinations. Additionally, the '$' sign Scatter symbol adds an element of excitement. The remaining symbols are inspired by classic playing card suits: A, K, Q, J, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs. These symbols offer various payouts, with Clubs and Diamonds contributing 0.05x, 0.15x, and 0.25x, while Spades and Hearts reward players with 0.1x, 0.3x, and 0.5x. The game intensifies with the J symbol offering 0.2x, 0.6x, and 1x, followed by Q with payouts of 0.3x, 0.9x, and 1.5x. The K symbol takes it up a notch with rewards of 0.4x, 1.2x, and 2x, while the A symbol leads the pack with generous payouts of 0.5x, 1.5x, and 2.5x, providing players with ample opportunities to stack up their winnings.

Features of Super Ace (JILI)

Super Ace features an exciting Elimination mechanic where winning combinations lead to the removal of cards, replaced by new symbols cascading from above. The Combo Multiplier adds extra excitement with four levels of enhancement, doubling during the bonus round. Golden Symbols unlock Joker Cards, including the Big Joker and Little Joker. Trigger 10 Free Spins with an enhanced Combo Multiplier by landing 3 or more Scatters, and even retrigger it with 5 extra Free Spins. The "Buy Bonus" option offers instant access to the bonus round, at an additional cost, for quicker gameplay and access to rewarding features.

Wild Symbols, Expanding Symbols

SuperAce has two types of Wild symbols: the Golden Card and the Joker Card.

Golden Card:

The "Golden Card" exclusively appears on reels 2, 3, and 4.

Once eliminated, the "Golden Symbol" flips into the "Joker Symbol."

The "Golden Symbol" is a substitute for the "Normal symbol" and contributes to elimination.

Joker Card:

The "Joker Symbol" can only originate from eliminating the "Golden Symbol."

The "Joker Card" is available in two forms: the "Big Joker Card" and the "Little Joker Card."

When the "Big Joker Symbol" lands, it replaces 1 to 4 symbols randomly selected from reels 2 to 5 (excluding the Scatter and Joker Symbol).

Upon landing the "Little Joker Symbol," the "Golden Symbol" transforms into the "Joker Symbol" only.

The "Joker Symbol" substitutes all symbols except the Scatter.

Cascading Reels

Initiating winning combinations triggers the Elimination feature, which removes successful cards from the playing field and substitutes them with fresh symbols descending from above. This cycle continues as long as players continue to achieve victories.

Combo Multiplier

An integral element of the gameplay that complements the Elimination system is the Combo Multiplier, which offers four distinct levels. In the base game, it commences at 1x and progressively elevates to 2x, 3x, and 5x. Notably, during the bonus round, these values are doubled, resulting in multipliers of 2x, 4x, 6x, and an impressive 10x.

Free Spins, Scatter Symbols

Acquire 3 or more Scatters on the screen to unlock a rewarding bundle of 10 Free Spins, complete with the previously mentioned amplified Combo Multiplier. Additionally, the opportunity for a retrigger emerges during the round, offering an extra 5 Free Spins should you land 3 additional Scatters.

Feature Buy-In

The "Buy Bonus" feature offers you the opportunity to immediately trigger the free spins feature, eliminating the requirement for these features to naturally occur during your regular gameplay. However, this convenience typically comes at an extra expense, frequently calculated as a multiple of your total bet. Choosing the bonus purchase provides instant entry to the bonus round, allowing you to vie for its corresponding rewards without the need to manually initiate it by spinning the reels. This feature serves as a means to expedite your gameplay and potentially unlock the game's more lucrative elements.

Super Ace (JILI): Summary

Super Ace by JILI at BC.GAME offers an exhilarating and innovative gaming experience within its captivating layout. With five reels and four rows, it provides ample space for the cascading Elimination mechanic and exciting Wild symbols to work their magic. The dynamic Combo Multiplier enhances the thrill, and the option to trigger Free Spins or use the "Buy Bonus" feature adds an extra layer of excitement. Whether you're a casual player or a high roller, the game's medium volatility ensures a balanced and enjoyable journey across its well-designed layout. With a maximum exposure of 1,500x the stake, Super Ace promises the potential for substantial winnings within its visually engaging and user-friendly interface. Overall, Super Ace at BC.GAME delivers a compelling and entertaining slot experience with a blend of creativity and rewarding features seamlessly integrated into its thoughtfully crafted layout.

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